Changing My Focus

Changing My Focus

I habitually focus on the negative, instead of the positive, in the endless 24-hour news cycle we live in today.  In the moment, it leads to continuous thoughts of doom and gloom spiraling out of control.  Ultimately, it leads to hopelessness and inaction.

I far too easily descend down the rabbit hole of fearmongering, believing hate will win. It won’t. Thankfully, some news outlets do highlight hopeful stories from time to time.  I caught a couple such programs last month highlighting LGBTQ+, specifically trans, individuals who are doing very good work and are extremely hopeful about their future.

It was especially encouraging to see young people organizing a trans prom in Washington, D.C. Their hopefulness about their own future can barely be contained.  While unbridled hopefulness may be a natural byproduct of youth, it’s not the exclusive property of the young.  I realized if they’re so hopeful about the future, I should be hopeful too.  I think there’s more to be hopeful about than most of us realize.  Hateful, not hopeful, just seems to get better press.


Inspired by the hate, and hope, in the world

I face the wrong direction.
Although my eyes gaze ahead,
I’m looking toward a future
That I’ve filled with fear and dread.

I do not look behind me
To regret the choices made,
But when I’m looking forward
What I see makes me afraid.

It isn’t a bright picture
Filled with sunshine and blue skies.
Instead, a world of chaos
Now appears before my eyes.

I give in to temptation,
And I buy into the fear
Our media is selling
Every day throughout the year.

But that’s not the full picture.
There is much hope to be found.
It may not garner headlines,
Yet it’s present all around.

An army of brave people
Can be seen guiding the way.
They’re leading by example,
Living honestly each day.

They do not hide their spirit,
But live openly, with pride.
They’ve proven, beyond measure,
Their lives cannot be denied.

Despite the work before us,
And the state the world’s in,
I’ll focus on these heroes,
And know hope, not hate, will win.