I made a quick two-day visit to Iowa this weekend to honor the memory of the wonderful Janet Boone at her celebration of life. I joined Mom and Phil at the Bloomfield Country Club along with what seemed to be the entire Boone family and a huge crowd of Janet’s extended family and friends.
Saturday was a perfect fall day. The golf course fairways are still a spectacular deep green, and the towering trees lining the fairways are turning golden brown. It was great to gather with so many loved ones to honor Janet. Tender speeches delivered by Janet’s son, Scott and granddaughter, Aisha brought the crowd to tears. It was really moving. The Boones are one of the most warm-hearted, fun-loving families you’ll ever meet, and it was a privilege to join with them to honor Janet’s memory. 😊
Mom and I drove back up to Coralville following the celebration. Then on Sunday morning, after Julie snapped a few photos for my 2023 holiday card, Mom and I enjoyed lunch at the Bluebird Café followed by a short Sunday drive through the winding country roads around Solon then through a portion of the Lake MacBride State Park. Sunday was a perfect fall day as well.
The trees around Iowa City are nearing peak colors and provided a striking contrast against the deep blue October sky. Lake MacBride, Coralville Lake, and the surrounding forests and state park land is an absolutely beautiful space to explore. One of the things I’ll miss most about leaving St. Louis is its crown jewel, Forest Park, but Lake MacBride State Park will serve as a great option in the Iowa City area to get a nature fix. 🌳
The weekend’s brief visit provided a great celebration of autumn in Iowa. I’m looking forward to return trips for the holidays in November and December. Go Iowa! 😊🏈🍁🦃🎄