Here’s an amusing little poem about boogers. I have a love/hate relationship with boogers. I love to hate them. I try to pick less than I used to and opt instead to blow, thereby lessening the possibility of creating a bloody nose. Do you flick or swallow? Ha, ha, ha. Boogers are funny. Have you heard this one? When you’re kissin’ with your honey and your nose is kinda runny, you think it’s pretty funny, but it’s SNOT. Back in 5th grade, one lazy Friday afternoon preceding a holiday weekend, Mrs. Spilman asked our class to share some jokes, if we had any. Kathy Smith recited that cute little ditty about snot. Andy Warren burst out laughing. Mrs. Spilman admonished Kathy, explaining the joke was inappropriate. Good times.
Inspired by snot
They’ve always been a part of us.
They’re with us day and night.
But they’re not always top of mind
When they stay out of sight.
However, when they irritate,
They make their presence known,
But we can’t try to excavate
Until we are alone.
So when we find a moment’s peace,
And know the coast is clear,
We stick our finger in until
The knuckle disappears.
And when we pull it out we’ll look
To see if we struck gold.
If not, we’ll send it back inside
Before the trail grows cold.
And we’ll repeat this exercise
Until the job is done.
Retreating from our nostril when
The prize we sought is won.
If it’s too wet and gooey,
We will roll it in a ball
Between our thumb and forefinger,
And then we’ll make the call.
Should we flick it into the air
And call it game, set, match,
Or should we simply open wide,
And toss it down the hatch?