Feed Me

Feed Me

Last weekend I paid a quick, but wonderful, three-day visit to New York City. I flew in Saturday morning and flew out Monday afternoon. I stayed in midtown's theater district…


Several years ago, I dressed up as Cousin Eddie for my annual holiday card and wrote a poem titled, “Ode to Poo.” It was widely regarded as my best holiday…


Here’s an amusing little poem about boogers. I have a love/hate relationship with boogers. I love to hate them. I try to pick less than I used to and opt…


This marks my 60th poem. Once again it centers on the depressing topic of that wide gap between what I feel I SHOULD BE doing vs. what I AM doing.…
Doing a 180

Doing a 180

Once again I'm reflecting on those things I feel like I should be doing with my time, if only I had the drive to do so. If I can change…


A friend of mine lost her dad recently. Other friends lost their mom not long ago. I lost my dad almost three years ago. I know that comes with getting…


Today, with the addition of CITYPARK in the downtown west section of St. Louis, which houses our new Major League Soccer club, St. Louis CITY SC, the northwest corner of…


A lot of the poems posted on this site share a common theme.  I struggle to live openly, reach my full potential, and express myself freely.  I’m afraid to do…


October 11 is National Coming Out Day, and October is LGBTQ+ History Month. I’m queer (the LGBTQ+ community took the word back), or more specifically, gay. I didn’t ask to…


As things on the job become more engaging, I’m more energized and driven to pour more of myself into my work. As a result, I have the urge to break…