

A friend of mine lost her dad recently. Other friends lost their mom not long ago. I lost my dad almost three years ago. I know that comes with getting older. It inspired a short poem.


Inspired by the gradual loss of our elders

It comes with aging
Heaven knows.
We’re left behind.
That’s how it goes.

The voices that
Once led the way
Slowly depart.
They cannot stay.

So one by one,
We say goodbye
As those we love
Earn wings and fly.

Though they departed
From our view
Their spirit lives
In those they knew.

While we prefer
To have them stay
Life simply doesn’t
Work that way.

Looking ahead
My biggest fear
Is how I’ll cope
Without them here.

It’s up to us,
Those still on Earth
To recount stories
Of their worth.

We’ll teach the lessons
They taught us.
No better subject
To discuss.

Then as they take
Their final bow,
We’ll step in as
The elders now.

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