Friday is St. Patrick’s Day. Today is the day of the big parade here in St. Louis, and elsewhere. Earlier today in Chicago, they dyed the river green. Folks are donning their green and celebrating all over the country today.
A few days ago, I ventured to McDonald’s to procure my annual Shamrock Shake. It hit the spot. Last night, a few friends and I met at a local Irish institution to enjoy a meal. One friend ordered corned beef and cabbage, another ordered fish and chips, and I ordered bangers and mash. That hit the spot too.
I’ve been blasting Irish music since the beginning of March. Today I’m listening to Bing Crosby’s Irish collection. I quite enjoy all the Irish blessings that have been written over the years. While reflecting on some of those, I decided to write a little poem inspired by Irish blessings, and by the many blessings I’ve enjoyed over the years. Erin go Bragh! Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Inspired by Irish blessings
May you feel
The brilliance of
A parent’s beaming pride,
To know that they
Are always on your side.
May you know
The embrace of
A family’s loving hold,
Guiding and
Protecting you
Until you’re very old.
May you seek
The counsel of
Those friends you hold most dear,
You wisdom when
Your path becomes unclear.
May you have
The refuge of
A roof over your head,
Which includes
A table that
Contains your daily bread.
I have known
Such blessings in
My life over the years.
I’m lucky
Beyond measure.
I weep with grateful tears.