

A lot of the poems posted on this site share a common theme.  I struggle to live openly, reach my full potential, and express myself freely.  I’m afraid to do so because I’m not sure how I’ll be received by everyone.  I give in to my fear and shame, quietly go about my business, and weave my thoughts, with their common themes, into rhymes, which for whatever reason, make them easier to communicate.

I’d like to begin sharing more success stories and fewer stories about my struggle.  While I use the majority of my poems on this subject to recount aspects of the struggle in exhaustive detail, I try to end them on a high note.  I’m hopeful I’ll eventually get out of this rut and successfully move forward in the right direction.  Until then, I’ll likely return to the subject again and again, for as long as it takes. 😊


Inspired by my struggle to communicate openly as myself

I don’t know why,
For 20 years,
My voice was muzzled
By my fears.

I could have lived
Out loud and strong.
I could have done that
All along.

Instead, I chose
To live more meek.
I squelched my voice
And did not speak.

My spirit tried
To seize the day,
But doubt and shame
Got in the way.

I gave into
The fear that you
Might not accept me
If you knew.

But I’ve grown tired
Of the game,
And cannot shoulder
All that shame.

My life’s become
A shadow of
The one envisioned
From above.

So I will muzzle
It no more.
From here on out,
My voice will soar.


  1. I am so sorry you felt this way. You always had and do have a safe space with me! Love you my friend and prom date!❤️

    • Kent

      Thank you, Heather! I appreciate that. (You taught me so much). 😉

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