

This marks my 60th poem. Once again it centers on the depressing topic of that wide gap between what I feel I SHOULD BE doing vs. what I AM doing. That topic is becoming a broken record. I decided to alternate between depressing and funny topics in my poetry going forward. Perhaps my next poem will be about an amusing bodily function or something. 😊


Inspired by giving in to bad habits and not doing enough to improve my situation

Although I do know better
I just roll over and cave
Each time I find temptation
In seductions that I crave.

Instead of choosing wisely,
I choose poorly every time.
Descending to this valley
Out of which I must now climb.

It’s less work, in the moment,
To give in to what I want.
No struggle to deprive me
Of the prize the moment brought.

So I ignore my conscience,
And I give in to the urge,
Then drown in shameful thoughts
From which I struggle to emerge.

I curse myself for failing,
And berate myself with shame.
There’s nowhere else to place it.
At my feet, I lay the blame.

But that leads to inaction
As I wallow in self-guilt,
Instead of starting work on what
I’d like to get rebuilt.

I can’t change what’s behind me,
Only what lies up ahead.
So it’s time that I take the reigns,
And put my shame to bed.