

My role at work’s been really engaging lately.  My role on the board of the business resource group with which I’m involved is really engaging as well.  I recently completed a couple big projects for each, whose timing coincided.  In addition, both involved more creativity than I’m usually allowed to exercise.

That may be why I feel myself opening up more lately.  The work I’m performing in both roles also coincides with the St. Louis farewell tour I’m conducting.  I’ve visited local places and events I haven’t been to in years.  I’m reconnecting with friends I haven’t seen in years.  It’s been both exhausting and energizing, and it’s causing me to come out of my shell.

As a result, it’s less and less acceptable to maintain the small, repressed, scaled-back existence I’ve been settling for these past several years.  For a variety of reasons, mostly due to my extreme lack of confidence and overly abusive inner monologue, I haven’t lived up to my full potential for a very long time.

I’d like to change that, if I can.  I may as well give it a try.  I have a song to sing.  We’ll see how it goes. 😊


Inspired by Christine Ebersole in song and my effort to find my own singing voice
“When we love, time stands still, and we can glimpse eternity” – Christine Ebersole

There’s music trapped inside of me –
A song I’m meant to sing.
But years of doubt prevented it
From ever taking wing.

I’ve told myself it’s no big deal.
Who wants to hear MY song?
But now, an older, wiser me
Can see that I was wrong.

Those melodies that speak to us
Particularly well
Inspire us to break free from
The jail in which we dwell.

At one time, I was fortunate
To know such gift of song.
The brilliant Christine Ebersole
Possessed it all along.

She shared her gift with those who were
Much privileged to attend.
Her song rose wholly from her soul
And revealed God within.

The music trapped inside of me
Can be delivered yet.
If I call out the obstacle,
I’ll neutralize its threat.

It wasn’t simply fear or doubt
That kept my song at bay.
A hateful inner dialog
Had drained my soul away.

I can’t resolve its origin,
But know its voice by heart.
It judges me unworthy of
Each dream I try to start.

So I deemed it quite hopeless to
Pursue a single dream.
They all were doomed to failure and
Could not come true, it seemed.

But all hope is not lost on me.
My spirit’s flowing back.
I’ll voice the song I’m meant to sing
And get things back on track.

Click this link to hear Christine Ebersole in song. 🎵🎼🎶😊