The Hug

The Hug

Lately, it feels like folks are passing away at a greater frequency than they did in the past. However, I’m guessing that may simply be because I’ve become more aware of it as I grow older and hit middle age.

It happened again last week. We lost one of the absolute best when Janet Boone passed. Janet was a fixture in my childhood, and I knew her all my life. She and her husband, Dick were classmates and life-long friends of my parents, as well as next door neighbors for over 50 years. She was the mom of our childhood friends, Scott and Vanessa. She was the best. 😊

I have a lot of great memories of Janet and the entire Boone family. I remember joint family vacations to Kansas City, St. Louis, and Minneapolis. I remember neighborhood whiffle ball games in their backyard. I remember pop bottle rocket wars each 4th of July on the street between our houses. Dick, Janet, Bill, and Joanne provided an absolutely idyllic childhood for me, Phil, Monte, Vanessa, and Scott.

I miss Dad every day since he passed nearly three years ago. It does get easier to go through the motions of daily life, but Dad’s presence is always missing. I know Janet’s will be as well. Dick, their kids, and Janet’s entire family and wide circle of friends are just beginning the journey to mourn her absence from our lives.

Of all my wonderful memories of Janet, one stands out. Our first family pet, Queenie, was run over by one of the giant gas trucks that drove through our neighborhood on a daily basis. It happened one random summer day while all the neighborhood kids were out playing. I sidled up next to our house and began weeping. Janet must have been inside talking to Mom or Grandma. When she made her way out our back door to walk across the street and return home, she saw me crying. Without saying a word, she walked straight over to me and gave me the biggest, warmest hug. I’ll never forget it. She was the best. 💖

The Hug

Inspired by Janet Boone (and the warm hug she gave me after our dog, Queenie died)

The losses keep on coming,
And I guess that comes with age.
With far too much consistency,
Dear souls exit the stage.

It happened yet again today,
Another friend is gone.
We had too little warning,
And sweet Janet has moved on.

A fixture in my childhood,
I knew her all my life.
So this one packs a bigger punch,
And it cuts like a knife.

A life-long friend to Mom and Dad,
A classmate and a peer.
A neighbor just across the street
Who we held very dear.

We joined her on vacations,
And played ball in her backyard.
We fought our bottle rocket wars,
While she and Mom stood guard.

Of all the memories I have,
There’s one that stands apart.
It’s testimony to the love
Contained in Janet’s heart.

Our family dog, Queenie, was killed
One random summer day.
A gas truck ran her over
While we kids were out at play.

I hid myself beside the house,
And sobbed there, all alone.
Then Janet walked out our back door
To make her way back home.

She walked straight over to me,
And she wrapped me warm and tight.
Here hug helped heal my broken heart,
And made things seem all right.